티스토리 뷰








고린도후서 13:9 말씀을 읽고 도전이 된 내용과 묵상하고 적용할 사항을 정리해 보았습니다.







2 Corinthians 13:9 We are happy to be weak, if you are strong, and we pray that you will become complete. 







고후 13:9 - 우리가 행복한 이유 --> 우리가 약해지고 성도들이 강해지며 온전해질 때








바울은 자신들이 약해지는 것이 행복하다고 말하며 만일 성도들이 강해지고 온전하게 되는 것이 자신들의 기도제목이라고 말씀하고 있습니다(고후13:9).













제가 행복한 것은 언제인지요? 제가 하는 일이 잘 되고 승리하며, 경쟁에서 이기고, 돋보이며, 누구보다 앞서고 상대적으로 편안한 삶을 살아갈 때일 것입니다. 또는 자신이 약해진다면 주변에 있는 자들도 함께 약해지기를 기대하며 살아가는 삶이 일반적으로 추구하는 삶입니다. 그.러.나. 바울은 자신이 약해지더라도 상대방이 강해지는 것을 보고 행복해하고 있습니다. 여기서 더 나아가 상대방이 온전해지는 것을 위해 기도한다고 말씀하고 있습니다. 이는 세상적인 상식과는 완전히 대비되는 것이며, 세상적인 지혜와는 완전히 거꾸로된 삶을 살아가는 것입니다. 주여, 제가 이러한 삶을 살아갈 수 있게 되길 기도합니다.












주여, 오늘 고후13:9 말씀을 통해서 세상의 상식과는 완전히 정반대의 삶을 살아가고 반대인 기도제목을 가지고 있는 바울을 묵상했습니다. 저도 제가 약해지고 형제 자매들이 강해지며 온전해지는 것이 기도제목이 되며, 그것을 보고 행복해하는 영적 가치관을 가지기 위해, 우선 기도하며, 오늘 제가 약해지고 돕는 형제가 강해지기 위한 말이나 행동을 할 것을 적용하겠습니다. 본성을 거스르는 적용이 잘 지켜지도록 기도부탁드립니다^^ 예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘!



























2 Corinthians 13:9 -- Why we are happy --> When we are weak and the saints are made strong and complete










Paul says that he is happy when he is weak, and that his prayer is that the saints will be strengthened and perfected (2 Corinthians 13:9).










When am I happy? Probably when I'm good at what I do, when I'm winning, when I'm competing, when I'm standing out, when I'm ahead of everyone, and when I'm living a relatively comfortable life. Or, if I'm weak, I'm living in the expectation that those around me will be weak as well, which is the life that is generally pursued. That. Paul is happy to see the other person grow stronger even as he grows weaker. He goes further and says that he prays for the other person to be made whole. It's living a life that's completely contrary to worldly wisdom, that's completely upside down from worldly wisdom. Lord, I pray that I would be able to live this kind of life.












Lord, I was meditating on Paul today in 2 Corinthians 13:9 where he is living a life that is completely contrary to the world's common sense and he has the opposite prayer request. I pray that my prayer request will be that I will be weak and my brothers and sisters will be strengthened and made whole, and to have a spiritual value that is happy to see that, I will pray first of all, and I will apply today that I will say or do something that will make me weak and the brother I am helping strong. I pray that my application that goes against my nature will be kept, in Jesus' name. Amen!



Translated with DeepL.com (free version) 








주님 Lord
주님 Lord



















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Here is the inspiring image depicting a person joyfully dedicating themselves to God and others, reflecting the example of Paul. The scene illustrates the act of meeting others' spiritual needs with God's word, conveying joy, selflessness, and deep commitment.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person living out the message from 2 Corinthians 13:9, prioritizing the spiritual growth and strength of others over their own. The scene illustrates a deep commitment to selflessness, spiritual maturity, and the joy found in uplifting others. ////////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person joyfully dedicating themselves to God and others, reflecting the example of Paul. The scene illustrates the act of meeting others' spiritual needs with God's word, conveying joy, selflessness, and deep commitment. ////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person reflecting on their weaknesses and difficulties, inspired by 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. The scene illustrates the individual's contemplation on how to find strength and joy in their weakness by aligning with God's perspective.



Here is the inspiring image depicting a person embodying the principles from 2 Corinthians 11:7, living a life devoted to knowing and proclaiming God through sharing the Gospel, personal devotion, and spreading truth.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person embodying the principles from 2 Corinthians 11:7, living a life devoted to knowing and proclaiming God through sharing the Gospel, personal devotion, and spreading truth. ////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person living out the message from 2 Corinthians 9 by giving generously to others. The scene illustrates three different instances: sharing love and encouragement, offering material goods, and giving time to others. /////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person prioritizing God's kingdom and righteousness in their life. The scene symbolizes the clarity of priorities and the dedication to seeking God's kingdom above all else.




Here are the inspiring images depicting a person making a sincere effort to leave behind their old self and embrace a new life. The scenes highlight the commitment to live a new life in faith, symbolizing transformation and renewal.
Here is the inspiring image depicting a person discerningly focusing on their vision and connection with God while consciously separating from worldly distractions and negative influences. The scene symbolizes a commitment to spiritual growth and discernment, with a focus on moving towards the light of God's presence. //////////////// Here are the inspiring images depicting a person making a sincere effort to leave behind their old self and embrace a new life. The scenes highlight the commitment to live a new life in faith, symbolizing transformation and renewal. ////////////////// Here is the inspiring image depicting a person deeply reflecting on God's promises, inspired by Genesis 12 and 13. The scene conveys faith, hope, and a strong connection to the divine promises given by God.











Here is the illustration showing a modern person striving to love Jesus Christ by remembering His life and ministry, and considering how Jesus would speak and act in their situation. The scenes include reflecting on Jesus' actions and words, applying this reflection to their own speech and behavior throughout the day, reading the Bible to remember Jesus' life, engaging in daily interactions with a mindset of 'What would Jesus do?', sharing Jesus' message with passion to others, and evaluating their actions in the evening. The environments feature a home study area, everyday settings like work or social interactions, and a quiet place for evening reflection, conveying thoughtful contemplation, devotion, and the desire to emulate Jesus' passion and message.
Here is the illustration showing a modern person observing and praying for fellow believers, aiming to strengthen their faith with scripture, and spending time with them to encourage joyful living in the Lord. The scenes include attentively observing others, praying with sincerity, sharing scripture, and engaging in meaningful conversations. The illustration also depicts the person spending quality time with others, building friendships, and motivating them with good intentions. The settings blend a church environment, a cozy prayer corner, and social interactions in a friendly and supportive atmosphere, reflecting dedication to uplifting and encouraging fellow believers. //////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person reflecting on the message that God rescues them from the dangers of death and saves them from various difficulties and hardships. The scene includes the person dedicating time to prayer, deciding not to rely on worldly possessions, fame, power, or lust. The person is depicted praying earnestly, with a focus on placing their hope in God. The environment features a serene and quiet space for prayer, highlighting the person's commitment to seeking God and placing their hope in Him, with symbols of discarded worldly pursuits nearby. ////////// Here is the illustration showing a modern person striving to love Jesus Christ by remembering His life and ministry, and considering how Jesus would speak and act in their situation. The scenes include reflecting on Jesus' actions and words, applying this reflection to their own speech and behavior throughout the day, reading the Bible to remember Jesus' life, engaging in daily interactions with a mindset of 'What would Jesus do?', sharing Jesus' message with passion to others, and evaluating their actions in the evening. The environments feature a home study area, everyday settings like work or social interactions, and a quiet place for evening reflection, conveying thoughtful contemplation, devotion, and the desire to emulate Jesus' passion and message.

